Encouraging Women Ministry
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Why is God’s Rest Important?

February 25, 2014

 In part 1 about Resting in God, we defined Rest as A period of inactivity, repose, or solitude that that will result in refreshing, menta, physical, or spiritual calm, tranquility, relief or freedom, especially from anything that wearies, troubles or disturbs. (adapted from Dictionary.com)  Intrinsically, our bodies understand that we NEED to rest. It is […]

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What is God’s Rest?

February 24, 2014

Often times, women (and men) run through life at what I call the “Frantic Panic.”  There is always somewhere to be, someone to call, and something to do.  I must confess…this used to be my MO (Method of Operation) for years!  I kept myself busy beyond belief.  My friends even nicknamed me the Duracell Bunny […]

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10 Lessons Learned from a Storm and a Shipwreck

February 22, 2014

Take a few minutes to read Acts 27:9 through chapter 28:11.  They tell the story of Paul, when he was a prisoner, being on a ship for at least 14 days in the midst of a storm. This wasn’t just a small rain shower. The Bible says the storm had hurricane winds. Paul warned them […]

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Proverbs by Default

February 20, 2014

Let’s face it…life is BUSY! Whether you are stay-at-home mom with babies, homeschooling, working-outside-of the-home, volunteer, or empty-nester, you tend to be busy. Personally, I was a very busy stay-at-home-mom-volunteer, turned homeschooler until 2000 when I battled a rare tumor. After that, my life became even more focused. I became more grateful for everyday; which […]

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Letting Go

February 12, 2014

The sun was shining brightly as we finished cleaning the garage.  I wistfully placed a toddler scooter, swing, small bike and several other outside toys that my 6 year old “baby” had outgrown into the van.  Time seems to pass much quicker than I would like when it involves my children.  I also grabbed a […]

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The Olympics of Motherhood

February 10, 2014

  As the world is watching in awe at the competing athletes in the winter Olympics, I began to think about the hard work and dedication it takes to get to the place that you can compete in the games.  As I was thinking about this and looking at my Mt. Everest of laundry, I […]

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The Man at the Well

January 20, 2014

From the time I was a young girl, men have looked at me.  Well, except for the one man I wanted attention from the most.  My father.  I longed for him to tell me how important I was to him.  He was too caught up in being an official in our town.  He was very […]

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What To Do When the Alarm Sounds

January 18, 2014

Saturday morning.  The entire family is all curled up on the couch watching a movie, ironically enough, about the White House getting overthrown.  The phone rings and I hear “Security Company…there has been a breech in the alarm system.”  It was for my husband.  60 Seconds later, the peace of our home is interrupted as […]

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Pretzel Turtle Cookies

December 12, 2013

Every year, I host an annual Cookie & Ornament Exchange.  Most of the time, I am so busy trying to get the house cleaned/decorated and appetizers made that my cookies have to be something easy to make.  A few weeks ago, I found these gems on the Pioneer Woman website and they look fairly easy.  […]

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Peace & Joy instead of Christmas Stress!

December 7, 2013

Almost as if we didn’t know that 340 days were going to pass, we are suddenly plummeted into December…AGAIN!!!  We start the frantic rush to get it all done perfectly and on time so we can celebrate a Norman Rockwell Christmas.  Who was that guy anyway?  Each year, retailers bring Christmas earlier.  I suspect that […]

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