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What Has God Asked You to Build?

by Wendy Farr on July 9, 2013

BlueprintThere are so many places in the Bible where God lays out very specific plans and instructions on building something, or in laying out the Laws, or defining borders, etc. I have labored through these at times and wondered why He was being so specific? Why did God think it so important to include pages and pages in excruciating detail of these specifications?

There are specific details given to us everywhere you look in the Bible! For example:

  • Noah was given very specific instructions on building the Ark;
  • Moses, the 10 Commandments;
  • David, the building of the Temple;
  • The Israelites received detailed explanations about borders of Canaan, their promised land;
  • Throughout the New Testament Jesus gave directions on what to do to receive healing and on how to live.

As I thought through this, I realized that God was giving us examples for things we are trying to build that are intended to glorify Him. In my own life, I like to have instructions from the Lord, and I like them written in the sky and very clear! When I hear from the Lord on the direction I should take, I know that if I stay within the plan and not go outside of it, I will be successful. His plan and His instructions are for a purpose, and it’s to ultimately bring Him glory.

Some of the benefits I receive when I follow God’s specific plans are that I am protected that the plan will work; I have security in knowing that it’s God’s plan and not my own, and He rules! I like the clarity of what I am to do – there’s no guessing and wondering if I should do this or do that. And I believe His wisdom is so much higher and greater than my own, that even if I don’t understand all the details, I know that His plan for me will work if I follow it.

God has a plan for you and me, and He has provided the specific plan for us to give us direction. Listen for it. He has given us the ability to do what He has called us to do, and He will work with us until it’s completed. If you follow the plan, you will not only be successful, but will bring God glory in it!

Thoughts from Solomon’s Porch,




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