Meet the Encouragers…
CEO: Chief Encouraging Officer ~
Lisa Manning
Lisa grew up in Columbus, Ohio but dreamed of sandy beaches and tide charts so she moved to Hilton Head Island, South Carolina in 1995. While she thought it was her plan, God was working in her life to remove her from her “comfort zone” so He could make some changes. She started a wedding planning business, met her husband Stephen and after much struggle (see the infertility page), had 2 beautiful daughters. Today, she homeschools her daughters and still handles a few wedding clients but her passion is Encouraging Women to Live A Life Worth Loving. She loves dark chocolate, worship music, monkeys and is slightly addicted to Facebook. She has an imperfect house, an imperfect marriage, imperfect children and still needs to lose 15 pounds but thinks that all of it is part of this great journey we have the opportunity to be on. To make her journey successful, every day she grabs her monkey mug filled with hot cinnamon tea, her Bible and settles into her favorite chair to have “God Time.” Her “God-sized dream” is to have an RV and travel with her family full-time…homeschooling and Encouraging Women along the way!
In 1996, God gave her the Encouraging Women ministry vision. A few years later, she bought the website domain and sat on it for about 10 years , waiting until God’s timing was right. In 2012, God released her vision to reality, sent some friends to help and gave her some amazing mentors to make it a success. Connecting with the facebook community on her Encouraging Women page has been a delight! The phone has started ringing for speaking engagements and Lisa is beyond excited to see what the future holds!
Associate Encourager ~ Wendy Farr
Wendy grew up in Wyckoff, NJ and discovered the south when she attended college in western North Carolina. She remained in the Carolinas and is now happily living in Bluffton, located in the South Carolina low country. She has two adult children, and two grandchildren who light up her life and she sees them at every opportunity. “A few of her favorite things” include the beach, many kinds of music, (singing and dancing to it) and the joy of inspiring and Encouraging Women.
While raising two children as a single parent produced many challenges in her life, God shaped her life and her faith bringing beauty out of ashes so she could experience a deeper understanding of His love and His steadfastness. Because of her own experiences, Wendy developed a passion to help others going through life’s often painful challenges. She discovered a deep joy in Encouraging Women along their journey.
Wendy later enrolled and trained in the Elijah House School of Ministry, an inner healing prayer ministry that frees believers from obstacles of the heart and mind. Prayer and foundational truths are the tools utilized to help them reconcile with others as well as with God.
Wendy is enlarging her dream to share what she had learned by starting a ministry called Solomons Porch. Her “God-sized dream” is to establish a retreat center where others can come and experience healing, restoration, and the love of God.
Wendy’s excited about the newest chapter of her life….retirement! She’s grateful that God has set her free to pursue her long – time dream to be involved with women’s ministry full time. She feels beyond blessed to be a part of the Encouraging Women’s Ministry.
Associate Encourager ~ Paula Thompson
Paula was born in suburban Los Angeles and when, at the age of 16, her parents divorced she moved with her mother to the Denver, CO area. Having grown up with sunny days filled with roller skating, swimming, bicycling and going to the beach with friends she had known since birth, Colorado was a stark contrast but the change of seasons never failed to delight her and no matter where she lived Colorado remained in her heart as home.
At the age of 23 she married a childhood friend from her California days. Her husband was an officer in the Navy and even when he went into the reserves they moved considerably over the years, two children a dog or two and typically a boat in tow. Paula has struggled while trying to maneuver the ‘food chain’ of military structure, deployments, health issues and family demands. Somewhere in the midst of moving to San Diego and dealing with her father’s subsequent death, her two young children, and realizing that she had no choice but to step up to the proverbial plate she began to pray a specific prayer: “God I don’t like who I am, change me. Make be into a woman that is positive and encouraging to others…a woman others trust and want to talk to.” That prayer has come true!
Through daily struggles as well as major health issues Paula has to laugh and love and enjoy life so much more! Through trusting God and claiming Psalm 46:10 “Be still and know that I am God…” as her daily strength she has overcome what her doctors told her was impossible and finds herself daily trying to live up to the expectations that came with the answering of her prayer.
Paula currently lives and works in Colorado, as both a sign language interpreter and a photographer.
Contributing Encourager ~ Dawna
Dawna is a contributing writer that wishes to remain anonymous because she will being sharing personal issues that relate to her marriage. While she wants to share openly about those struggles, she feels it is important to honor her husband and children as she does so. She has struggled throughout their marriage in many ways that you will be able to relate to…a spouses infidelity and pornography addiction and even at times, a wandering heart herself. She has great advice on dealing with the pain and frustration that difficulties in marriage can bring.