Encouraging Women Ministry
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Do You Have Facebook Envy?

June 4, 2013

Like most people I have a Facebook page, and one of the pages that I “Like” is Urban Dictionary.  Did you know that there is term listed on the Urban Dictionary website that actually is called “Facebook Envy?” I am sure it comes as no big surprise to you that Facebook Envy loosely translated means […]

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Don’t Leave Home Without It!

May 30, 2013

Today, I was feeling a bit down.  There are certain areas of my life that I struggle with in finding the Lord and His peace.  I try not to ask the question “Why?” but it just slips out sometimes.  As I was praying through this, I heard “put on your garment of praise.” My mind […]

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Encouraging Women Mission Statement

May 29, 2013

Yesterday, God gave me the Mission Statement for Encouraging Women.  I didn’t ask for it but He gave it to me during my quiet time. I love it when God gives me something I need before I even ask!  He is so great!!! It is adapted from Ephesians 4:12-15 (NIV). So excited to share it […]

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A Few More Minutes of Messy

May 28, 2013

This morning as I was spending time with God, I started getting distracted.  While I was thoroughly enjoying the time, I started thinking about all I needed to get accomplished.  Last week was an extremely busy week and I felt like God called our family to take a day of rest yesterday. despite the fact […]

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Operation Organization: Laundry System

April 18, 2013

When there were only 2 of us, laundry was easy.  Now that I have 2 girls, 2 businesses and a ministry, laundry seems to be never ending…and never finished. My BFF has 8 children and if the thought of 8 kids running around doesn’t make me appreciate her more, the thought of that much laundry […]

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How Dare you Talk to Me Like That!

April 10, 2013

Remember the old saying, “it’s not what you say, it’s how you say it?” No matter how old it is, the truth and wisdom of this saying is still valuable today.  There is a difference in ‘rebuking’ someone, and ‘exhorting’ them – certainly in your tone, and in the words you choose as well. Rebuke: […]

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What Does It Mean to Really Fall In Love With God?

March 9, 2013

This afternoon, a teenager who is wise beyond her years posted this on her Facebook Page:                    What does it mean to really fall in love with God? What a great question!!  After some contemplation, I answered her.  I have been thinking about the question for the remainder of the day.  Here is my answer plus […]

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Just Smile!!!

February 7, 2013

Remember when you were a little kid, were feeling a bit grumpy and someone would look at you and say “Don’t smile!”  They would keep repeating it until you couldn’t help yourself.  Try as you would, it was hard to resist.  First the little grin would break through and finally a huge smile.  Occasionally, a […]

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The Quilt ~ A Patchwork of Memories

January 21, 2013

A quilt.  That word evokes a feeling in most people’s hearts and minds; some think of a warm cozy blanket that may have smelled slightly of grandma’s house with a hint of moth balls or perhaps you envision a fabulously colored piece of textile art hanging on the wall of a stylish building.  I think […]

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Snuggle Time!

January 19, 2013

Often times, we get caught up in our tasks and don’t want to stop for any reason.  We want to check as many things as possible off of our “To-do” list.  We get so busy doing stuff that we forget about the real motivations behind what we are doing. My youngest daughter likes to snuggle, […]

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