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The Land of Overwhelm

by Lisa Manning on July 20, 2013

OverwhelmHave you ever been to the Land of Overwhelm?  It is an interesting place. 

There are HUGE mountains that seem too difficult to climb.  The roads there seem never ending and confusing to navigate.  The seas in the Land of Overwhelm are murky, always churning and often the waves knock people down.  The grass is so tall you feel like you are struggling to walk from place to another.  The funny thing is that you never quite know how it is that you arrived in the Land of Overwhelm.  One day, you are just there.  If truth were told, you could probably see warning signs as you traveled. 

There is good news for you.

God is the God of Overwhelm.

Read that sentence again.  God IS the God of Overwhelm.

“When my spirit was overwhelmed  within me, then thou knewest  my path…” Psalm 142:3 (KJV)

God hasn’t left you in the Land of Overwhelm by yourself.  You are not there because you are being punished or unloved.  God is there to lead you out of Overwhelm. 

Here are a few suggestions that will help.

  1. Rest.  Overwhelm often happens when we are too tired.  Don’t feel guilty getting more sleep or stepping off the hamster wheel of craziness for a few days.  You may find that just the rest alone will give you a brand new perspective.
  2. Spend time with God.  Praise and worship music ushers in the presence of God.  Bible reading offers God the opportunity to speak to you more clearly.  Don’t set a time limit.  Just read & worship until you feel like you are done.  God can redeem the time.  You are already feeling behind…what is a few more minutes anyway?  : )
  3. Ask for Help.  A friend or family member can look at your situation with a fresh set of eyes and make suggestions.  There is a caveat here though.  You have to be willing to listen and take their advice; even if it is not what you want to hear.
  4. Take the first step.  Whatever that is.  Even if you only travel 10 minutes, it is 10 minutes closer than you were before.
  5. Pray.

Dear Lord,

Please lead me out of the Land of Overwhelm.  Help me take captive the thoughts that are causing me to stay in the land.  Give me the proper equipment to climb the mountains, navigate the roads and cut through the grasses that are causing me struggle.  Give me the strength to stand against the waves and even if I am knocked down, the resolve to stand again.  Help me discern what is important and set priorities that are meaningful.   Place people in my life that can come along side of me as I walk. 

In Jesus Name.

(Note:  Praying is what you should do first but I can’t figure out how to add the prayer into my numeric list when I made it #1!)

Continue to pray, spend time with God, rest, seek help, and move forward until you are out of the Land of Overwhelm.  As you continue to do those things, watch for the warning signs so that you don’t take a wrong turn and end up there again.




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